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Showing posts from June, 2020

The 3 Enemies of Christ

Living your life as a Christian doesn't mean you are on your own. Being under grace doesn't guarantee you access to continue living in sin.  1st Enemy : Anyone whose destiny is destruction.  This may sound ironic, but what it really means is that anyone who ends up living their life just to cause harm. Is an enemy of Christ. This is because it is the devil who came to steal, kill, and destroy. Your purpose for being alive shouldn't limit you to causing harm to people.  2nd Enemy:   Anyone whose god is their stomach.  How can your stomach be your god? Simple, anytime you put your stomach first above all priorities. Even when you're expected to fast, that's where you try remembering a befitting ailment. The little money you get all ends up in your stomach.  3rd Enemy: mindset on only earthly things.  We are living in a generation where your wealth defines your worth. We've forgotten about the existence of God, the Supreme being, and the maker of the un...

This Is Your Time

Before the pandemic, you've been longing to get closer to God. During the pandemic, you're stuck online all the time. Imagine, after the pandemic? You'll surely go back to your old days' busy schedules.  What are you waiting for? Who are you looking for? Before you go back to your initial plan of getting closer to your maker.  This is the Time, for you to build all the intimacy you need. The mind-boggling mysteries, this is the time to unravel them.  In your silence, call on God. In your unknown world, seek God's face. Build the relationship again. Ignite the love of God back. He's forever watching.  Let's pray.   Father in heaven, give me the strength to fight on into knowing you more. Come into my heart today. I make you king and ruler, now, and forevermore. 

Let Them Say.

The perception, views, and says of your fellow human, doesn't define your true worth.  Don't forget what happened to Samuel when he went anointing David as king. Whiles Samuel was busy looking at appearance and physique. God was patiently looking into their hearts.  The utterances of others shouldn't stop u from achieving your set goals.  Discouraging words shouldn't prevent you from achieving your dream.  Don't let their words rule your life. God has the final say. Hear no man but listen to God all the time.  Let's pray, Father, give me the heart to stand and adhere to you at all times. 

Forgive Yourself First, before.. ..

Living is Never devoid of mistakes and errors. Once you're human, you'll surely err somewhere.  This nature of us is what makes God advise us to be righteous. How do we handle ourselves when in such situations? Once you offend the maker, what's the first thing to do? Forgive yourself.  Before you ask for forgiveness from Him, first, forgive yourself. The only way you can regret from you in action is to forgive yourself.  Know that you can't kill yourself over the guilt. You can only forgive yourself. Accept in your heart that you did it. Don't give excuses! Now, tame yourself like you'd tame your friend who'll mess up. Forgiving yourself is not you pride around.  Forgiving yourself is your accepting defeat in humility and service.  Let's pray,   Father, grant me the forgiving heart to forgive myself and anyone I've wronged. In Jesus's Name. 

If Not You, Who ? 🀷‍♂️

Many are the challenges you've been through. Some you succeed, others succeed you, in whichever way, you learn.  In the course of the challenges and tribulations, many questions ran through your mind. Some may include: 'Why me?'  'why am I suffering like this?'  'Why is this happening to me?'  And the likes.  But today, your answer has come.  If not you, then who?  Who in your family do you expect to go through what you're going through?  Who in your home do you think can handle that situation better than you?  If not you, then who should be humiliated?  You are the chosen one for whatever circumstance you find yourself. Believe in God pray for strength to make it through.  Joseph served in his generation, Abraham, Moses, Jacob, and Esther.  Are you ready? Let's pray ,  Father grant me the strength to move on in the race in Jesus's Name. 

Let's Make Money

Proverbs 13:11    Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.  Exposition   Our daily hassle is for nothing but money. In whatever you or whatever dream you have, you need money to get you there.  Aside from grace and favour, with money to support. You're good to go. Money making is not a day, it's not a miracle.  The little ones count. Start saving the little, don't disregard their worth today. The little ones come together to make the bigger currency.  Prayer   Father, grant me the grace to save. That I may help the needy and the poor. Thank you. 

The Cry Of the poor😒

Proverbs 21:13   Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor, will also cry out and not be answered.  Exposition   The poor is anyone who lacks. In this world, everyone lacks something. The need for someone may be you're richer.  Pay heed to the need of others. Once you have it, help them out. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.  Don't look out for gratitude. Or consider the person you're helping, do it, so that when you pray, God will answer you.  Prayer Father Lord, let your spirit have its way in my heart that I may be compassionate to others in Jesus's Name . 

They Will Hate You! πŸ˜”

Mark 13:13   Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.  Exposition   Being a Christian, is you defending christ? He has fulfilled His mission of dying for humanity to attain grace in the presence of God.  Persecutions are inevitable once you’re a Christian. The hate doesn’t begin from other people but yourself.  Your flesh wrestles with the spirit of God. Even before the world hates you.  Buts stand firm, believe in God. He is with you and by grace, you’ll make it to His kingdom.  Prayer Dear Lord, grant me the strength to endure to the end in Jesus’s Name.

All You Need Is In You

Life in this dark world and dark age is very challenging sometimes. Today, you are seeking solidarity, the next, you are looking for solitude.  The feeling of attachment also comes when loneliness sets you, family, friends, and loved ones are needed to overcome such emotions. In the end, there's still something missing deep down.  Before you go out, dig deep down into yourself, the answer is in you.  God made you in His own image and likeness, His spirit dwells in you. He has given all powers above and under the earth to you. What more conviction do you need?  Daniel realized this, and he made good use of it (Daniel 5:14). Daniel had it all in him, excellent wisdom, light, and understanding, and the spirit of God.  Your ability to acknowledge this, gives you authority over many things, education, life achievements, marriage, childbirth, protection, favors, and tranquility.  Avail yourself today, let the spirit of God dwell in you today, and live in eternal ...


Our eternal father loves His children, you, in so many ways that we sometimes wonder why you're still alive over some treacherous things you engaged yourself.  You go so dirty that you know you deserve not to see the next day's sun or even hear the crow of a new day. Your life gets tattered and dreams smashed into residues.  When all hope is gone and there seems to be nobody to look unto just know one thing, GOD NEVER FAILS .   God hasn't failed on you, on looking after you, on taking care of you, on giving you what you need, on bringing you to an expected end!  He's just waiting on you to call Him, to let Him know, you can't bear it anymore, and that you need Him now more than ever. Tell Him now, how bad you need Him. Talk to Him, invite Him into the situation.  He Never Fails!  Let's Pray,  Eternal Father, have mercy on me for doubting your potency and presence. Please, Lord, I need you now, take my life, make it whole and ...

Your Head, Makes You the Head

Everyone born into this world has a purpose and a goal to achieve. Your aims can take you where you want if you rely on God.  Often times in our quest for success, we only acknowledge our CV and personal life attainments, leaving our maker out of the scene.  How long must you skip that God exists? How long must you continue to live your life as you own it?  God is the only Headmaster of all Heads, make Him your Head. Let all the thinkings and wondering about your life be done by Him. Allow God to work within your situation.  No condition, they say, is Permanent, if you don't make God the decision-maker in your life, the condition you're hoping it'll change will eventually get worst.  Make Him your head today, and you'll be the head in your generation forever.  (Reference; the life story of Joseph)

BE PATIENT! God is At work.

Many often, we lose patients when our needs delayed, especially after many sleepless nights of prayers and fasting.  Did you know that Job could have just cursed God and move on with life, as his wife advised? But why didn't he?  Job believed God was making something more valuable and special than what he's lost for him.  Be patient, wait on God's approval before you proceed in pursuing your life goals and dreams. Life is temporary and becomes shorter when you lived in your own understanding and dictation.  David always consulted God in everything he does, even with the petty things he knew he could do by himself, he still consulted God anyway. How much more for you?  Be patient, wait on God's directives before you begin your initiative, God is close to you, He's just busy working better things out for you. Believe! (References: the book of Job, 1 Samuel 16-31)

Your Humility Counts

The Bible has already made it clear how the enemy is going about roaring like a lion seeking who to devour. With this in mind, believers know that their life in Christianity has always chased after by the enemy. The enemy too is using so many instruments at his disposal to manipulate believers. One of these devices is Pride . Being proud doesn't just end to you flaunting your possessions and belittling others with what you have. Being proud is you refusing to accept your wrongs, doing things your own way because you deem it right and you forgetting that there's a God who takes lives and gives. Be Humble! You nothing but dust. You may now know, but take this, your humility can open marvellous opportunities for you. This same humility is what God is looking from you, just to bless you abundantly. Be Humble and let God Save you!  (Reference: 2 Chronicles 12:7)

Don't Give up on God!

God loves you so much. Aside from He demonstrating His love for you through the crucifixion of His Son, Jesus Christ. He also gives you breath, to survive without cost every day.  From Genesis to revelations, God has proven His love for humanity and how He is never given up on us until we come home to Him.  The people of Isreal disobeyed and gave up on God in divers ways and instances, yet God still loved them God understands the fact we are humans and are prone to making mistakes and sin. That's why He made His Grace sufficient to all.  Don't Give up, on God, He is not and has not given up on you yet.  You give up on God when you render all you do to your might and will. The moment, you put what you do in your own hands and care to be handled your way, you have given up on God.  When all these happen, you leave Him impotent. Work with God, invite Him in all you do, let Him be your topmost priority. When that is done, commune with Him ofte...

Does God Know You?

Our Lord God of Israel, commune with many people in the old and new testaments, even today, He still has a relationship with some people.  Many have heard about this God, many pray to Him, many attend churches and other religious functions just to encounter Him.  But the big question is, Does God know them?  You can't be in a relationship with someone where you know the person and the person doesn't know. It can't be! It wouldn't be fair.  David knew God, God knew David.  God knew Samuel, Samuel knew God. The relationship God with the Israelites through Moses was one of a kind.  How well does God know you? When you talk to Him, does He respond immediately?  When you call on Him, is He always available? Or you have to always wait for a servant of God to talk? 

How much Can you bear?

Life in this world is a noble struggle, both for the young and old. Abe even those who have great riches have trouble on their own. With this, how much more pain can you bear? Job was very affluent, living in luxury. But in a day, everything disappeared. Did he like the incident? Was he proud?  God is His knowledge believed in Job, just as Job believed in Him. So, despite all the pain and influences from friends and relatives, Job never gave up on God. He still believed.  How much can you bear? Just a day without food, see how painful it is. Your peers betray you and see how you complain about it?  So, should God put you in the shoes of Job, can you still hold on to believing in Him?  (Reference: the book of Job)

Serve Today, Get Served Tomorrow!

Our fellow Islamic community, have the belief that your service to God, is your service to humanity. Therefore, to serve God, you first must serve humans, your fellow. The Bible seconds this belief of our brothers, Jacob served for 14 years just to get his two wives, the number of years he served Laban. How much more could you have served? Joseph also served at Potiphar's house, his service though hectic, yet he emerged out glorious being served not only by the people of Egypt but his family. That is service, put Lord Jesus taught us a lot about service, even Him being the son of God, served us, as a lesson to us. Your wealth, position and property don't exempt you from serving humanity. Remember, you are nothing but dust. Take the pain to serve in humility, don't add any iota of pride to spoil what you have earned from your service. Life is best lived when you serve in humility as our Lord Jesus Christ. (References: Gen. 29, Gen. 43, John 13:1-17)

Let God Arise!

Sometimes, in the mood of prayer, we lack certain words to make our prayers reach before the presence of God. This only happens when we cannot pray in the spirit. Deploy the commanding way of praying, speak to the situation, then requesting intervention. "Let God Arise!" can be just to provoke God. Letting God Arise doesn't mean His intervention on something you can deal with by yourself, it doesn't mean you leave all the burden on Him. God Arising means, God, showing you how potent He is and can be, it means you have you making Him know that He's the only divinity who can help you in such a situation. Deploy this Armour, David did, and it helped him. (Reference: Psalm 35:2 68,:1, 72:20)

You are more powerful than you think!

Luke 10:19   I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  Exposition You have Power! Believe.  The word points out that I have given meaning it’s past tense, you already have it, it’s not now that you will strive for it or fight for it.  We have given the power to you through our Lord Jesus Christ to rule over this wicked world. What are you waiting for? How do you realize this power? What can you use it for and how do you unleash it?  Our Lord, Jesus through the holy spirit of God, grant us this power, the power to tear apart and grow, to build and destroy, the power to influence the spiritual realms.  All you need to do is to build intimacy with the holy spirit. Devote your time to communicating with the spirit. Let it be a habit, don’t slack. Last allow yourself, ruled by the spirit, don’t allow your mind to dictate conscience into you,...

A father's Duty

Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Exposition   Malachi 4:6 promised that fathers and children would be reunited in heart. Let's make that true in our homes by nurturing and correcting our children — with a balance between nurture and correction.  Let's not make our faith so full of rules and restrictions that it becomes impossible for our children to hear that they are our beloved children, with whom we are very pleased!  Let's not grant so much freedom that our children feel neglected and uncertain. Let's turn our hearts toward them and pray for God to turn their hearts toward their home with us and their home with you! Prayer    O Lord God Almighty, Abba Father, our land lies under a curse because so many Fathers have spiritually and physically abandoned their children.  Please raise up parents, especially fathers, who will balance the...

Pain is just the beginning, are you aware?

2 Corinthians:11:23-27   Are they servants of Christ? (I am out of my mind to talk like this.) I am more. I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24  Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25  Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26  I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. 27  I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. Exposition   Have you suffered any of these yet? Then know your worries in Christianity...

Jesus's Law? πŸ€”

Galatians 6:2 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Exposition "I didn't know Jesus had a law!" Well, he doesn't have a written one like we find in the Old Testament (2 Corinthians 3). No, his is Spirit-imprinted on our hearts and transforms our character.  This law gives us liberty from written law (James 2:12-17) and emphasizes the undergirding principle that guided Jesus' life — sacrifice and service for others (Philippians 2:5-11). Far more than a written law, this is a passion for Christ and a commitment to be like him. Prayer   Almighty and compassionate Father, may Jesus' passion of helping others be my passion so that others may see your love and grace through my life and glorify you! In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Don't show off before men!

Matthew 6:1 "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." Exposition Compassion is not for personal glory, just as it is not a private internal emotion. Christian compassion must always motivate us to act in the best interest and for the greater good of those in need, without calling attention to ourselves or our sacrifices. God provides what we need to bless others and takes care of the reward when our goal is to please him and to be used by him to bless others who are in need. Prayer Loving God and tender Shepherd, use me each day to be a blessing to someone in need. Please open my eyes and ears to see those around me who need emotional support or financial help.  Please give me the courage to bless them and lead them closer to you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.