Living your life as a Christian doesn't mean you are on your own. Being under grace doesn't guarantee you access to continue living in sin.
1st Enemy: Anyone whose destiny is destruction.
This may sound ironic, but what it really means is that anyone who ends up living their life just to cause harm. Is an enemy of Christ. This is because it is the devil who came to steal, kill, and destroy. Your purpose for being alive shouldn't limit you to causing harm to people.
2nd Enemy: Anyone whose god is their stomach.
How can your stomach be your god? Simple, anytime you put your stomach first above all priorities. Even when you're expected to fast, that's where you try remembering a befitting ailment. The little money you get all ends up in your stomach.
3rd Enemy: mindset on only earthly things.
We are living in a generation where your wealth defines your worth. We've forgotten about the existence of God, the Supreme being, and the maker of the universe. Be a friend to these things and you're an enemy of Christ. What more shall it profit a man if he gains the entire world and yet loses his soul?
God still loves you and cares about you. He's calling you today, comes, come, come and dine with me and I'll tell what you need to know.
(Reference; Philippians 3:19)
Let's pray,
Dear Lord, I worship your name and exalt your majesty. Please, Lord, have mercy on me and let your spirit come into me to be a new being. In Jesus's Name.