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Showing posts from July, 2020

Let Them Go,or you Sink!

Life is promising when you are surrounded by many beautiful friends who will be there for you all the time. But then, is it all of them that is worth maintaining?  The life you have doesn't just constitute of your breath and ability to move about, but your actions and inactions are inclusive. They define your true identity. Let them go, or you sink. Cut the things and persons jerking you down off. You deserve more. Why waste time pleasing somebody who doesn't appreciate your exertions? Why continue the act when you know you are suffering?  Life is too brief to live in pain and regrets. Don't permit your susceptibility and psyche of ' You can't do without them' kill your joy and block your shine. You are uniquely, fearfully and wonderfully made in the likeness of God. Jonah had to be thrown off the boat, else he'll be the rationale for the boat to get sunk. Harsh times call for tougher decisions. Don't delay in taking your possibilities of making it right...

Love, You

Love is among the greatest commandment in the bible entreats you to have for both humanity and divinity.  ".... Love Your Neighbour as yourself. ." Jesus said, explaining this being the second of the great commandments. (Mark 12:31, Matthew 22:39) The emphasis, as Yourself. Meaning before you can love anyone, you must love yourself first if not, you love in vain. Do not be blinded by the 'norms' of this world, love is reciprocal. Sure it is, to those who can’t define it. How do you love yourself? How do you appreciate yourself? Is it by priding yourself in your possessions? Or flaunting your wealth?  No! Loving yourself, is, you being able to appreciate what you have, be content. It is you taking full responsibility for your actions and not blaming anyone for your mistakes.  Loving yourself is you acknowledging your weaknesses and accepting them. Loving yourself is you accepting your dirty past, seeing the better person God had made you and living a fulfilling life ...

Life Goes On

In toddling you slipped In crawling, you flipped In chewing, buccal battles  The wrestles among  the teeth and tongue,  feet and ground, knees and ground. Never stopped you From walking and eating every day. Life goes on! The cycle of life  based on thrive The pains come The regrets, not renounced Rejections are welcomed  Expectations heighten  Disappointment is hailed  None to support  None to lean on In times of need  In hard times  You can't find them  When the storm is over They are available  Life Goes On! Life goes on With or without them Life only ends when you forfeit God, Your journey differs from others Don't compare and envy Life goes on When all is weeping around you Yet nobody is there to comfort. The battle in your life can  Only be resolved when you Believe in yourself, Accept the mistakes, As lessons Embrace your choices With gladness. Because Life goes on.

The Final Say

Life can turn its back on you. People loved ones, friends and families can also turn their backs on you. Why? This is because there are some things you need to face alone. In facing those things, these same people who rejected you, come around to tell you what and how to do what you are doing. When that happens, how do you feel? Painful? Right? But then, should what they're saying really be a bother? Absolutely Not! Every inventor has the final say to their inventions. Humans, on the other hand, were created by God. Therefore, making Him the inventor of us, his invention. So, are we to be bothered by the proclamations of our fellows who are invented by the maker? God has the final say upon your life. Let not the saying of somebody deprives you of your joy and happiness. Only God has the final say, and what he says is final indeed. Before you peep to the left and right, look up first and know that He's always watching you. Call on Him. Moses paid no attention to the pharaoh, he ...

2 Ways To Stay Real

Charlatans have their own way of living their lives yet, in the end, they are found wanting. The best way to enjoy being alive is you being real. Let’s consider these two simple ways. Accept yourself.   Your past, your pain, your laughter in pleasure with all its bitter-sweet experiences defines you. You created that scene. You made that mistake. You allowed it to happen. You caused it. Is you who is and has been doing all that you’ve been wondering if they were possible. Accept them! Accept your weakness, see them be part of you. Accept your mistakes, see them be lessons. Accept your past, see it as a reflection. Accept yourself see yourself as the one who deserves nothing but the best in a sincere way. Pay Heed To No One. Listening to people is one beautiful form of mutual respect and a great source of communication development. But then, have a limit to listening to what people always have to say, think about you, what you do, where you go, what you eat and even how you survive....

3 Secrets to Happiness ☺️

Happiness is sought by many in this world. Yet how many people enjoy this gift? Once you're born into a family, your joy begins from there. That's where you are thought the basics. Life without happiness is like a tree without leaves. Let's look at how we can be happy without restrictions. Be with those who rebuke you . I know this may sound weird but think about it. Joseph, though, was with his family. They always rebuked his dream. He became the breadwinner.  Those who rebuke you, dare you to bring your best and be your best? They know what's inside you, but you know where you're going with it. The rebuke will only remember you you have somewhere going. Don't be sad when they do. Please Nobody  Your dream is in your mind. You don't owe anybody an explanation of its fulfilment. Yours is to believe and work towards achieving it. Don't consider what people say or think about your aims and visions for life. Work it out with those who believe in it. Be sinc...

Don't Stop SHOUTING!

In your quest to seek redress from the maker, you stumble. People discourage you, say all manner of harsh words against you.  Should you worry about them? Are they the ones you're calling for help?  No human entity can satisfy your needs completely. Bartimaeus knew this. He didn't give up calling.  Even in the crowd, he kept on shouting to Jesus. Believing in his heart that Jesus will hear him.  He believed, and it was so. Jesus heard him. Jesus is still hearing from you today. Don't think He's far from you.  Don't be dismayed at what people say or think about you. What Jesus has for you is the best gift of all.  Keep on calling Him. Don't give up. You're the reason He is where He is. Shout in His Name and be healed today.  (Reference :Mark 10:48) Let's pray,   Most high Lord, hear my cry today, let my voice reach your tabernacle, and let the heavens see my tears in Jesus's Name.