In your quest to seek redress from the maker, you stumble. People discourage you, say all manner of harsh words against you.
Should you worry about them? Are they the ones you're calling for help?
No human entity can satisfy your needs completely. Bartimaeus knew this. He didn't give up calling.
Even in the crowd, he kept on shouting to Jesus. Believing in his heart that Jesus will hear him.
He believed, and it was so. Jesus heard him. Jesus is still hearing from you today. Don't think He's far from you.
Don't be dismayed at what people say or think about you. What Jesus has for you is the best gift of all.
Keep on calling Him. Don't give up. You're the reason He is where He is. Shout in His Name and be healed today.
(Reference :Mark 10:48)
Let's pray,
Most high Lord, hear my cry today, let my voice reach your tabernacle, and let the heavens see my tears in Jesus's Name.