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Showing posts from May, 2020

The God of ages, we serve

Acts 5:30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead — whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. Exposition Peter is making clear that his faith in Jesus didn't just begin with Jesus. It began with the Patriarchs, the great Jewish fathers. The God who blessed them also raised Jesus from the dead, even though Jesus had been executed in the most heinous and degrading way possible for a faithful Jew — he was nailed to a cross, something that was both illegal and a sign of being cursed under Jewish Law. He raised Jesus from the dead and exalted him and made him our Savior and our Lord. Praise God! Prayer   Thank you, dear Father, for showing your power over evil, sin, hate, jealousy, and death. In the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I offer my praise and thanksgiving. Amen.

The standing up for Jesus battle

Acts 5:29 Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men!" Exposition Against a stern warning from the ruling council in Jerusalem, called the Sanhedrin, Peter and the other apostles proclaimed Jesus as Lord. They knew that Jesus had triumphed over the attempts of his enemies to extinguish him and his ministry. The apostles blatantly disobeyed the orders of the very same people who had Jesus crucified. By any standard, that is faithful courage. How are you doing in the "standing up for Jesus" battle? Prayer Lord God Almighty, please empower me by your Spirit to be courageous. I do not want to ever back down from my convictions nor ever renounce my faith in Jesus, in whose name I pray.


The Bible, our sword as Christians and the manual to our life and belief, declared 2 entities as helpers. Why these two? What qualifications made them helpers? 1. Woman According to Genesis 2:18, God, himself stated it clearly, that it’s not good for a man to live in loneliness and therefore he needs someone to help him. With this motion in mind, God made women help men. Women helping men doesn’t mean they should help in dubious acts, filthy acts, obnoxious activities, and any other diabolic activities that yield no better fruit. Women are to help men in fulfilling God’s will for humanity. Women are to help men in achieving their God-given goals and visions of life. That is the purpose of women to men. 2. GOD In the bid of who’s help is mightier and stronger. The fall of man changed the face of the former helper. God was now solicited for help anytime there’s trouble.  The people of Isreal oftentimes seek help from their God who rescued them from the land of Egypt(...

Imitate God!

Ephesians:5.1-2   1. Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children 2.   and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Exposition Beloved in Christ, our God is a loving God. Why can’t we also love such unconditionally? Should we always discriminate? For how long? Love is what Christ demonstrated for humanity on the cross. Can’t we show the same to our fellow humans? Imitate God! You were made in His likeness, imitate Him. Let your body be put under control. Let your mind be filled with His Word. Imitate God! Behave like God, be quick to love and slow to anger. Live a love life!   Living a love life is you seeing everyone as needed and equal before God, serving everyone in total humility and service. Let the spirit of God guide you every day throughout your life in order to live according to this standard. Prayer My Lord My God, take my life and le...

Be anxious over nothing; pray

Philippians:4.6  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Exposition Dearest in Christ, don't be anxious over anything. Let your needs and be made known to God through prayers and petitions. The hour is now, stop complaining about the situation and pray into it. Stop nagging about the unfair nature of life and forward that petition to the Maker. He is the only one who can answer and relieve you of any stress. Why worry? Why complain? Why doubt the process? Call on Him through Thanksgiving. Sing hymnals, worship Him, that way, He will come and take off that burden. Remember, don't nag, complain or doubt the process but through prayer and petition make them known to God through Thanksgiving. Prayer Dear Father in heaven, I come before your throne; have mercy on me. Please, LORD, Let your word fill my heart that making my pleas known to you would not be a problem. This I as...

You have Power in Christ

Galatians 5:24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Exposition Dearest in Christ, our human nature works in such a way that sometimes, we tend to doubt the words of God. We doubt the fact that our painful, sinful past has been erased completely by the blood of Jesus Christ. Should it be so? You are a new creation, the old sinful self was buried with Christ on the cross, on His resurrection, he gave you new a new self. A self fortified with his Power, a self endowed with the Holy Spirit of God. Your new self, is the medicine to this generation, the cure the world has been waiting for. Don't let your mind, be deceiving you all the time, creating doubts in your mind, Bringing you down. Rendering you as nothing better before God. That is the work of the enemy. And you need to deploy the power invested in you by the Holy spirit of God. Prayer   Righteous Father, help me keep the dead and cast-away sin of...

The Battlefield Is Your Mind.

Romans:12.2  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Exposition Beloved, the battle between the two forces; the physical and spiritual world, has no other battlefield than your mind. Where your conscience and the spirit of God decide on what you are to do and what you shouldn't. As the devil is using your body as an instrument, the spirit of God uses your spirit which is unseen. This instruments makes it impossible to sometimes tell which is from God and the devil, as all are in your body. Your mind is where, decision making takes place. Before you react to anything or do anything, you first think about it, right? That is where the forces influence comes in. When the battle is worn by the other, you end doing things unconsciously for such force. Don't allow the influences of the world to dece...

Let Your Tongue Speak Life

James:3.8  but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. Exposition Dearest in Christ, there's power in your tongue. Your utterances, can bring both life and death. Which of them would you like to be bringing forth? Which of them have you been bringing forth? Your speech brings life when your talk is enriched with hope and brings joy. Your utterances, bring life when you tell the truth to your fellow. Your tongue can cause all that if you have the word of God in it. Your speech creates death when you stir up arguments, cause enmity among people. Your tongue leads others to die when you create more fear around them, instead of erasing them. When your words  cause pain to people, cause others to cry for no reason. The moment you become judgemental; your tongue can kill someone who is not ready to die. Watch your speech, examine it before you open your mouth to unleash them. They can kill, cure and save. It's in your own powe...

Me too, I deserve some Credits, says the LORD

Psalms:105.1  Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Exposition Dear in Christ, let's give God the credits for what He has done and has been doing. Let not our Thanksgiving be only rendered when we get what we so desired. But instead, thank Him all the time. He has given you life, given you breath to breathe. What else are you expecting before you thank Him? God has done a alot already on your life. Be grateful to Him all the time. Prayer Father LORD, I exhalt your name, I thank LORD for my life and that of loved ones. I thank you for what you did for us and I thank you for today. In Jesus's Name. 

You're Nothing without Me, says the LORD

Matthew:19.26  Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Exposition Beloved, God is God. His potency makes Him God. His independence in decisions makes Him God. His ability to known and seen everywhere is what makes Him different from  humanity. This being known, why are you still seeing impossibilities in what you do? Have you forgotten about God's existence so soon? Don't be doing the probability calculation for God. He's a mathematician on His own. Don't think for Him either, He has His own head to reason. Whatever thing you are doing, whatever you so dream about ; God is making it possible. The word said 'This' meaning there's that particular thing that seems impossible to man, but to God, It's ever possible. God is able to do, just what He says He will do. Just invite Him, He is ever ready to help. He's only waiting on your call. Prayer Father, have mer...

'Mind Your Business' Says The Lord.

1 Thessalonians:4.11  Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, Exposition Dearest in Christ, I am happy to bring to your notice that, be proud of the work you do. Mind your business . Let your attention be drawn on what you're doing for living. Work and don't be lazy. He will provide ,surely but not when you sit down doing nothing . Idleness is just a sweet word for laziness. Work out something, make a living and God will see you through . Prayer Father Lord , bless my work and let me succeed in all I do. This, I ask in Jesus's Name.

'Have I Not...?' Ask the LORD.

Joshua:1.9   Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Exposition Dear in Christ, God Richly Bless you for believing in God and Jesus Christ. Be strong and courageous. For God is with you. 'Have I not commanded you?' ask the LORD. Hasn't He? So why are you giving up? Why are you becoming weak? Why are you cursing each day for not going as you'd like it to? Is that what the command say? Don't be discouraged brethren, God is with you wherever you go and are. He is no respector of geographical boundaries, race, tribe nor the kind of family you come from. God is God over all, He is with you. Don't be dismayed. Don't look at the situation as though that's your final destination, No. Believe that He's with you. Believe, that God is with you and will never forsake you. No matter how difficult you may see the situation ...

Letter from God

Dear Children ,  I am much glad to be known among your generation today. For many generations passed knew me and encountered me. Yet, your generation is one of a kind. You have sort to put things in your own hands and seek everything with your own might. This, renders me impotent as a God. How long will you continue to do things your own way? How long will you make me feel impotent? With all my potency and knowledge, you still depend on the knowledge and wisdom of your fellow men. For how long will this continue? Will you entrust everything into a mortal? Leaving me the immortal? Is it because am invincible? I shed tears each day, my son pleads for you all the time. For His sake I am reserved; His blood speaks louder. In my rage, He calms me. He is my son, I listen to Him more. I can't hear you when you pray, I can't see you when you approach. Because you are always far from me. Why do you stand afar when talking to me? Why stay afar when you know you...

'Remember, I was there, I am here and will be there' says the LORD

Revelation:2.5  Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. Exposition Dear in Christ, remember your first love. Remember those things you used to do for God and to God when you got baptized in His glory?  Remember how the Bible was seen on your lips all the time? Remember, how you used to debate on the word of God just to find the truth? Where has all that zeal gone to? Have you given up on God? Are you tired Already? Have you gotten a different God? Or Have you lost patience in the LORD? Beloved, God has seen your works, He has seen what you did, have been doing, is doing and is likely to do in the near future. Why then do you think, that you can hide from His presence? Why do you doubt His presence sometimes? Should God remove your lampstand, indirectly, you're lost in this dark world. Nobody will see you nor acknowledge ...

'DARE ME!' says the LORD

Genesis:32.28  Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome." Exposition Beloved in Christ, our God is a daring God, our God is a challenging God. If you believe this, say, Amen. But how do we challenge God? Daring God is as equal to challenging Him. To dare is to test the potency of God likewise to challenge. Throughout the Bible, many men and women have dared God, in one way or another. This daring, led to a total transformation, Moses, Jacob, Hannah, Nehemiah, the people of Israel, just to mention but few were those who have challenged God. As some were for personal needs others were interceding for God’s people. Daring God, doesn't mean being boastful in prayer, it doesn't seek to give glory to you, the human. Daring God isn't you talking rudely to God. To Dare God, is to humbly put Him to His word. Putting God to His word is you referring Him to H...

'Return My Love😍 ' says the LORD.

Proverbs:8.17  I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. Exposition Dear in Christ, one excruciating pain without a cut is loving someone and the person not returning your love. It's very hurtful. The Bible has foretold God's love for humanity in so many ways. From the days of Adam, to Noah, down to Abraham and the incident of Sodom  and Gomorrah, to Jacob and the Israelite's struggle and rescue, the use of judges, kings and the prophets to govern His people, then later to the messiah, Jesus Christ then lastly leaving us with the Holy Spirit. Beloved God has proven and shown His Love for you in divers ways, when are you going to return His love? When will you put an end to this pain He is going through? How long more? Loving God, is accepting Jesus Christ as your life and personal savior and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of God, was given to us by God to give us  comfort and remind us about the love of God. How often do yo...

'Am I in your DNA?' asks the LORD.

1 Corinthians:15.49   And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven. Exposition Beloved in Christ, the book of Genesis revealed how perfectly and miraculously God  made man from dust. After Adam, whom God knit with His own hands, the rest of us came from man; flesh and blood. Are you bearing the likeness of God? Can God's attributes be found in you? Are you portraying God's presence on earth? In short, is God in your DNA? Bearing the likeness of God is living as God on earth. Being as God doesn't mean boasting about in pride, it doesn't mean, letting the world bow to your knees or perhaps, using your status to influence favors that will deprive the less privileged. Bearing the likeness of God is you being just as Christ was. He is the man from heaven. He was humble despite His superiority in heaven. He was a servant, regardless of His status as God's son. Jesus Christ, loved all....

"I missed your calls?' asks the LORD.

Zechariah:7.13 "'When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,' says the LORD Almighty. Exposition Dear in Christ, how do you feel when someone misses your calls and they never return them? How do you feel when you try reaching missed calls  later and they also don't answer? Such a thing can be annoyingly hurting sometimes, especially when you have relavant issues to discuss with such a person and they just miss your calls. Just as you feel when you  call them and they don't answer or return your calls, that's the same way God feels. He's been calling you since the very day you were born. Have you answered any of His Calls? Sometimes, you find it difficult to sleep in the middle of the night, has it ever occurred that God wants you to talk with Him? Other times, you pursue with your might and strength, yet don't succeed, has it not drawn your attention that God wants you to talk to Him?  The day you don...

'DO YOU KNOW US?' asks the Lord.

John:17.3   Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. Exposition Beloved in Christ, knowledge about the God your serve is very important. How well do you know your God? How does your God also know you? The grace we have through Jesus Christ, gives us the opportunity to know our God more through Him. Knowing Christ without knowing God is an invalid equation of knowledge about God. Knowledge about them, gives eternal life. Your life's greatest ambition shouldn't necessarily be achieving great things for yourself. Your life only become great and relevant when you have Jesus Christ in it. Take a faithful step in knowing God through Jesus Christ; read His word, pray with His word , pray in His words and lastly, after knowing Him, share Him with friends. Prayer Father LORD, I want to know you more, despite what I have heard from people about you, I want to have a personal encounter with you just as...

'I am with you and guess what?' says the LORD

Isaiah 41:10   So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Exposition Dear in Christ, how do you feel after reading these assuring words? The maker of the universe is telling you, that He is with you and is your God. In this trying times of great despair, where most hope is lost. We tend to see more failure than success, we become more pessimist than optimist, we see more flaws than strength and at the end, we become very weak to defend our faith in God. Today, God is telling you you He is with you. He didn't say He was with you but He said He is with that means, even in this difficult time, He is with you, in your happy moods, He is with you. Why? Because He is your God. Use this opportunity to get closer to your maker, He is ever ready to welcome you anytime you call on Him. Don't leave life alone, don't let the issues of life blind you from...

'Call on me, let's talk' says the LORD

1 Chronicles:16.8   Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Exposition Beloved in Christ, how often do you call on God? When do you normally call Him? Where do you call Him? And under what circumstances, do you call on Him? Many times, we tend to turn to God only in our distress and depressed moods. We call only on Him when we need help from Him. We only know that God exists only when there's trouble. Should it be so? Two exercises underlined in the text; Give thanks and tell the nations about Him. This goes a long way than just calling Him when you need Him. Calling on to God is mandatory, calling on to God is a disciplinary exercise. Tell others about your God. Calling on God is you building that cordial relationship with Him. Calling on God is you making him familiar with everything you do. It's shouldn't only when you need Him. He is not a human to be called on in times of need. He is God, stop treating ...

'I will bless you under one condition', says the LORD

Psalms:5.12   For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield . Exposition Dear in Christ, you're blessed to be reading this devotional guide. We are fond of saying, 'God Bless You' to anyone who does us good. Now, this saying is gradually becoming a cliché, people no longer see the power in telling them that. We all enjoy grace, yes, by his grace we have come this far but the blessings of God is enjoyed by the Righteous .  And this blessings comes with favour, a complete package. There's no blessings without favour from God, and that's the true definition of God's blessing. Righteousness, doesn't mean attending all church activities and reading to memorise the word of God. No. Righteousness is doing what is right before God, it is putting God first above all else, righteousness is you seeing pleasure yet you choose pain because of God. That, is righteousness. This package, will not only ...

'Cry out, I will answer' says the LORD

Exodus:22.23   If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. Exposition Beloved in Christ, what causes you to cry? What reason do you have before crying? Ever heard or seen a widow or an orphan cry? That's the type of cry God needs to answer your plea. If you are able to cry out to the LORD, He will hear your cry. Crying to God doesn't necessarily mean wailing and yelling for all to see you cry in prayers. You can solemnly, and in deep thoughts converts your request into tears poured in your heart to God. That is the cry the Bible is talking about.  A cry of pain, a cry of complete surrender to Him, a cry that renders Him the only solution to the problem, a cry that gives Him no option than to answer. That is the cry the word of God is referring to. Our predecessors cried; David, Hannah, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus Christ and many others, and God heard their cry. What is it you want to tell God? How long have you longed for it? Co...

'in my anger, I punish' says the LORD.

Leviticus:26.28   then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over. Exposition Dear, Can you Define anger on three words? Try and let's see. Leave the answer in the comment box. We all get angry at or with something that didn't end as we expected. We get Irritated by the way someone behaves towards us. Anger is real and we've been angry at some point in life. What do we do in our anger? What happens to those around you when you are angry? Share your view in the comment box. God, also gets angry. He doesn't get angry without a reason, He gets angry anytime we continue to disobey His commands. The moment we become hostile towards Him, His anger is stirred. Just like humans, in His anger, He punishes. When God gets angry at you for we disobeying Him, He punishes us seven times and over. Before you begin to point fingers at someone for being the cause of your predicament, ask for forgiveness fr...

I am Jealous, says the LORD.

Exodus:34.14  Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Exposition Beloved in christ, our God is a jealous God. Imagine how living with a jealous friend is? Or just remember how you feel when you get jealous? How's the feeling like? Exactly, it hurts. God is also the jealous type, this attribute many don't really mention, it's seen as a bad conduct. But come to think of it, it's great.  God being jealous over you for betraying or using His time and moments for something or someone else. That shows how God truly loves humanity. Don't be getting God jealous by ignoring Him. Don't neglect His calls and make Him feel little before you. Never treat God as an option. He is always at your topmost priority and that's where He belongs. Don't change that position. Don't bring Him down. He's first on your list of priorities. The moment you bring Him down, know that you're getting Him Jealous. ...

Do You Believe?

Matthew:9.28  When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" "Yes, Lord," they replied. Exposition Beloved, this is not a rhetorical question. After reading, leave your Answer in the comment below. Life may be challenging sometimes, living may be worrisome, yet Christ is asking, do you still believe He is able to change things around? You're plans and schemes may be delayed, many job proposals and contracts are let down, Christ is still asking, Do you believe He is able to change things around. Christ's ability to turn things around doesn't mean, He's potent and that He can do it without bothering to ask you. He needs your believe and faithful permission of trust in Him, if He is able. Don't wait for someone to tell you to believe that before. His word is asking you, Do you believe He is able? Prayers   Dear LORD, I surrender my fate unto you. Please LORD, ...

Serve God and Be Blessed

Exodus:23.25-26  Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, 26. and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span. Exposition Service to God is what the word 'worship' in this context means. Serve. Serve God and receive His blessings. So simple a word. Before you serve a king, you first have to make sure you're clean then well dressed.  If these things are lacked, then that means you're not fit to serve the king. If such reverance is given to a mere king on earth, how much more the maker? Serving doesn't mean being at loggerheads with a neighbor and trying to obey God. Serving God, doesn't mean being proud of your sins and professing to others that, God is in your heart. Serving God, is letting your own self away and giving all you have to God ;your time and resources. Service to God, is service to Man. Prayer   Dear LORD, I am a sin...

Just let your tongue do the work.

James:3.6  The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. Exposition Beloved, use your tongue for the betterment of your life. Imagine how you would speak without the tongue in your mouth. Let's do an exercise, roll your tongue over and try speaking. How did you sound? Funny right? That is how funny your life becomes if you don't use your tongue well. Your tongue is fire, according to God's word. And fire as we all know can cause harm and can be useful as well. Why cause harm when you can change the situation to be good? Let good words proceed out of out mouths. Let your tongue draw others to Christ. Our words describe us. Enrich your words with hope and comfort. Never use your tongue to inflict pain or death. But rather let life proceed from your mouth. Prayer Dear LORD, I bow before your throne, LORD touch my tongue and let li...