Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Dear in Christ, God Richly Bless you for believing in God and Jesus Christ. Be strong and courageous. For God is with you.
'Have I not commanded you?' ask the LORD. Hasn't He? So why are you giving up? Why are you becoming weak? Why are you cursing each day for not going as you'd like it to? Is that what the command say?
Don't be discouraged brethren, God is with you wherever you go and are. He is no respector of geographical boundaries, race, tribe nor the kind of family you come from.
God is God over all, He is with you. Don't be dismayed. Don't look at the situation as though that's your final destination, No. Believe that He's with you.
Believe, that God is with you and will never forsake you. No matter how difficult you may see the situation and circumstance around you, just believe that God is forever with you. Has He not commanded?
Father in heaven, hellowed be your name. Most high, immortal invincible God, I pray, asking that you strengthen my faith in your word. Grant me the courage I need to fight on. In Jesus's Name.