Love is among the greatest commandment in the bible entreats you to have for both humanity and divinity.
"....Love Your Neighbour as yourself.." Jesus said, explaining this being the second of the great commandments. (Mark 12:31, Matthew 22:39)
The emphasis, as Yourself. Meaning before you can love anyone, you must love yourself first if not, you love in vain. Do not be blinded by the 'norms' of this world, love is reciprocal. Sure it is, to those who can’t define it.
How do you love yourself? How do you appreciate yourself? Is it by priding yourself in your possessions? Or flaunting your wealth?
Loving yourself, is, you being able to appreciate what you have, be content. It is you taking full responsibility for your actions and not blaming anyone for your mistakes.
Loving yourself is you acknowledging your weaknesses and accepting them. Loving yourself is you accepting your dirty past, seeing the better person God had made you and living a fulfilling life in Christ Jesus.
Remember, before you love anyone, first love yourself. What you'll do to make yourself happy, do the same to others. What will make you feel sad, don't inflict it on others?
'...For God so loved the world…' (John 3:16), the word of God says. God didn't wait for the world to love Him back, yet He loved the world.
You can also love your neighbour with no expectation of them returning your love and God who sees things in secrets will surely Bless you.
Great piece..