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"I missed your calls?' asks the LORD.


"'When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,' says the LORD Almighty.


Dear in Christ, how do you feel when someone misses your calls and they never return them? How do you feel when you try reaching missed calls  later and they also don't answer?

Such a thing can be annoyingly hurting sometimes, especially when you have relavant issues to discuss with such a person and they just miss your calls.

Just as you feel when you  call them and they don't answer or return your calls, that's the same way God feels. He's been calling you since the very day you were born. Have you answered any of His Calls?

Sometimes, you find it difficult to sleep in the middle of the night, has it ever occurred that God wants you to talk with Him? Other times, you pursue with your might and strength, yet don't succeed, has it not drawn your attention that God wants you to talk to Him?

 The day you don't read the Bible, that day doesn't go well, haven't you realised you've been missing God's call? His calls of caution and emergency calls to save you from impending harm?

He has been calling, to show you the way to success, to tell you about that misfortune before it comes, to let you know the root and sprouts of what you intend to do, to tell you hidden secrets. Yet, how often do you answer such calls?

Dear LORD, please I bow before your throne today in humbled heart. Please LORD, forgive me for missing your calls all these decades and grant me the ear to hear you and the heart to feel your presence when you call in Jesus's Name. 


Unknown said…
God bless forgive us for missing ur calls daily..

Please be our strength always..
Thanks SAM...
U delivered smoothly
God bless u

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